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Our system creates a diverse, random and dynamic bubble pattern in your gardens nutrient solution guaranteeing an equal distribution and delivery of all the air you can feed it. This technique will spawn bubbles of all different sizes. Large ones literally jump from the water’s surface as high as an inch or more keeping the bottom of your net pot hydrated at all times and teasing roots. Medium bubbles find their way to perimeter root zones while tiny bubbles penetrate deep within interior of your roots core.

Our technique positions the source of the bubbles directly smack dab in the middle of your root system all day, every day, providing the best possible positioning of your plants roots main source of oxygen! No more air-stones hiding in the corner of your containers kind of doing its job. Our aeration system allows gardeners more time to grow instead of more time to maintain your air stones and manifolds. Your plant will love it and so will you!


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